Escape from a Cult

Clive Barber’s testimony

Latest 4 Uploads

God’s Great Salvation (33 min)

John Fleck preaches on God’s great salvation. Why do I need salvation? Why can I have salvation? How can I receive salvation? Can I really know I have salvation? When can I have salvation? Readings: Rom 4:24-25, 5:1, 6-9. (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference, 3rd April 2013)

A Devotional Meditation on Isaiah 53 (48 min)

Richard Collings preaches on Christ in Isaiah 53 where the Holy Spirit through the prophet Isaiah highlights the supremacy, sorrows, sufferings, sacrifice and satisfaction of Christ. (Recorded in Helions Bumpstead Gospel Hall, Essex, UK)

The Entrance Hallway to the Gospel of John (25 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the first 18 verses of John Chapter 1, which he calls the “entrance hallway” to the 21 rooms of the Gospel of John. He outlines the designations, the divisions, the diction, the distinctions, the doctrine and the denials of this pivotal section of Holy Scripture. (Recorded at the Belfast Christmas Conference)

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